About Sue

In 2017 Sue Lester was awarded Soroptimist International Moreton North Inc International Small Business Woman Of The Year.

2016-2018 Sue served on the Professional Speakers Australia QLD/NT Chapter Leadership Team.

When I was four years old, I remember sitting on my brothers’ bedroom floor, hands freshly washed and dried, heart fluttering, as Mum reached into the high cupboard to bring down the magical book that had a fold-out of Buckingham Palace in the middle. I decided right then and there I would go to England to see the queen.

In subsequent years, I quickly added Kenya, Peru, Egypt, Antarctica and more to my list of exciting adventures. My parents were amused. Little girls weren’t supposed to be adventurers. Obviously, I would get married, live in my hometown, and have two children we’d take to the beach on Sundays.

And so, as a young child, I learned to suppress the wilder, more adventurous version of myself in order to be the “good girl” I thought my parents wanted me to be. Back then, I didn’t understand that I could be both.

It took me a long time to find myself. Along the way, I confused lust with love, marrying and divorcing early. After that, I was ambushed by unrequited love, resulting in low self-esteem and a series of undervalued, high-pressure jobs in education, the travel industry and social enterprise.

I endured eight years in an abusive relationship until he got a gun licence and I knew I had to get out fast. I also punished myself with rheumatoid arthritis and vomiting tension headaches. I became very good at saying yes and no at all the wrong times. I was so damn lonely, hiding behind a happy mask, never feeling like I quite belonged nor safe enough to be honest.

Adventurous travel was my oxygen mask during those years. And I DO mean adventure! They included walking across the Simpson Desert with 16 camels, being charged by a silverback gorilla in Republic of Congo, dodging hippos while canoeing the Zambezi River, and scrambling over terrifying high-altitude landslides in Nepal.

Once I was away from expectations, free to be me, I could see clearly what changes I needed to make. However, each time I returned, I’d get sucked back into “sensible” life again, always feeling dissatisfied and disappointed with myself. Sometimes there was even a deep sadness weighing me down into apathy. I could have saved myself so much pain if I’d known to reach out, and to whom.

Then, in 2007, I finally got my breakthrough. I began studying mindset coaching and healing while at the same time starting my own business. I felt like I was leaping off a cliff hoping to learn how to fly before I hit bottom.

My aim is for you to feel successful inside too.

And I did fly!  I learnt powerful techniques to “clear head trash” and heal emotional pain, to really reconnect to my personal power and work out my purpose.  I learnt guilt-free boundary setting, how to get rid of self-sabotage and create lasting behavioural change, to build self-confidence and really connect with others.  Plus of course, all the business and IT side of things. I even shifted how I felt about public speaking and thoroughly enjoy presenting to audiences now. The most exciting adventure has been discovering, exploring and publishing a book on unconscious blueprints™, the internal images of yourself and others that program your behaviour.

Today, I am so incredibly grateful to all my coaches who showed me how to use the wings I’d forgotten I had and who continue cheering me as I soar. During those wonderful years, I also met my life partner, and today, I know who I am.

Today, I’m living the adventurous dreams I had as a child and also have a stable home. I’m successful, happy and healthy, living my own life and nobody else’s. I’ve finally embraced the beautiful little girl who wanted to visit the queen. I finally answered my call to adventure.

A call to adventure comes in many forms. It might be an invitation to do something you’ve always wanted to do but never tried. It could be an invitation to try something totally new that has never been on your radar. It might even be a chance meeting of eyes, when you have a choice whether to smile and speak or turn away. Even a job or career move that stretches you.

Stepping stones or stumbling blocks? Your choice. Always.

 Likewise, my aim is for you to answer your call to adventure and visit the queen, whatever that means for you. I want you to be calm, confident and centred, knowing and liking who you really are. I want you to have a clear sense of direction and absolute faith in your ability to get there. I want you to be free from the burdens of the past, with glowing self-confidence and abundant energy to feel and look like the fabulous woman you are. I want you to be living your life and nobody else’s!

Excited about possibilities for adventure and fulfillment in your own life?

Then let’s chat. Just book a time on this link https://calendly.com/sue-lester/fresh-start  and we can start exploring your needs and options!

Stepping stones or stumbling blocks? Your choice. Always. Let me be your helping hand!


Sue Lester B.A. Dip.Teach. MNLP. MHypnosis. Master Results Coach, Certified mBIT Coach, Certified Innergetics Coach, CertIV Training and Assessment