
Time Travel For Profit And Pleasure Not Poverty And Pain
Use your mental Tardis to time travel for profit and pleasure instead of poverty and pain. Your mindset is your insurance for peace of mind.

Destress With A Senses Walk
When your head is churning with what has been, what might be or all those things to do, go for a Senses Walk. You’ll come back calmer, thinking more clearly, and be so much more productive. If physically leaving the room or car is not an option, then this...

I’m Australia’s First Certified Innergetics Coach!
I'm so excited to be the first Certified Innergetics Coach in Australia, and second in the world (Jan Niemand in South Africa was first by a few days). It's been a full on 18 months training, studying, peer and client coaching, but most importantly, living the process...

How To Replace Comfort Eating
Before you can replace comfort eating, you need to slow down enough to be aware of what you’re doing. Refraining from eating while doing, and tune into what you are really hungry for.

Think And Feel Yourself Slim
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Is weight management an ongoing issue for you? There are many reasons why you might be carrying extra (or not enough) fat storage on your body, and I’ll cover those more on Mondays throughout November. For now, understand that...

Anxiety Relief Tips 1-3
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Is anxiety ruling your world? In our busy, busy lives our heads can quickly become filled with the white noise of our list of musts, shoulds, and shouldn’ts. No matter how much is ticked off your To Do list, there’s always more....

Who’s Better At Networking: Introvert or Extrovert?
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Who do you think would be better at networking, an introvert or an extrovert? That was the discussion topic at a recent Women’s Network Australia event. The outcome surprised some. The term "introvert" is a classic example of a...

The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Another month slipped by, the To-Do List just as long, demands from work, family and friends stretching you – sound familiar? Particularly as a business owner, the demands can seem endless, and there’s that pressing feeling you...

Ho’oponopono Healing Prayer of Forgiveness.
I love Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian prayer for healing and self-forgiveness. Say it slowly, feeling the intent behind the words. It may feel right to repeat the first 2 lines, together or separately. Once you feel the shift, no matter how small, continue with lines 3 & 4.

Is Your Unconscious Blueprint Sabotaging Your Life?
Is your unconscious blueprint the problem? Do you sometimes struggle to feel ‘grownup’, to handle relationships confidently or to make wise decisions? It could be your unconscious blueprint sabotaging your life. Discover it’s potential impact and how to change it for good.