
How To Stop Overwhelm
When the world feels OVERWHELMING bring your focus back to what you can control, and close a loop. An ‘open loop’ is an unfinished task or project, an unresolved disagreement, a story or TV series not yet finished. It can be those pyjamas you’re still wearing, the...

Like A Crystal Ball To Predict The Future?
Your thoughts, feelings and actions right now determine the future. What are you creating for yourself and others?

Freedom Starts Within
As soon as you blame someone else for your anger, hurt or unhappiness, you give your personal power and freedom away.

Create Your Ideal Year Now
Even if you’ve already mapped out 2019 (go you!) this can help fine-tune. I’m not talking about creating the best year of your whole life, rather the best year you can create right now. The future could be more wondrous than you can possibly imagine right now. Each year is another building block added to your potential.

Why One Brain Just Isn’t Enough To Be Successful
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] “How many brains do you need to be successful?” is somewhat of a trick question. You could argue that one well nourished, trained and focussed brain is enough, or that you need many brains to create a supportive team...

Walking The Fence of Life: The Legacy of Mothers
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] “I forgive you for not being the mother I wanted you to be,” are powerful healing words from Louise Hay. There are so many mother-in-law jokes and stories in our society there is an automatic negative association with the label. Yet...

Is Your Unconscious Blueprint Sabotaging Your Life?
Is your unconscious blueprint the problem? Do you sometimes struggle to feel ‘grownup’, to handle relationships confidently or to make wise decisions? It could be your unconscious blueprint sabotaging your life. Discover it’s potential impact and how to change it for good.

Essential Self-Care Mindset Tips To Beat The Winter Blues
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Even those of us blessed with sunny Queensland winters can be affected by the cold and shorter days, and the nasty germs flying around that leave you feeling tired and miserable. So it’s even more important during these months to look...