Is anxiety ruling your world? In our busy, busy lives our heads can quickly become filled with the white noise of our list of musts, shoulds, and shouldn’ts. No matter how much is ticked off your To Do list, there’s always more. There’s that underlying, nagging... 00000 Actually, I don’t have a crystal ball and can’t predict the future, nor can you, nor the government decision-makers. What we can do is take what we know now and from the past, and predict. Whether that prediction comes to pass or not is actually... This is the ideal card for my partner – with two shedding cats it is Christmas Fluff time! Here are some tips to help you relax and enjoy your festive season, by changing how you feel about and manage your thoughts of others, so you can change your behaviour.... “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me,” goes the children’s mantra, but it’s not necessarily true. If you don’t value the opinion of the labeller, and you’re secure in your own identity and self-worth, then yes, the labels won’t stick.... When your head is churning with what has been, what might be or all those things to do, go for a Senses Walk. You’ll come back calmer, thinking more clearly, and be so much more productive. If physically leaving the room or car is not an option, then this... I’m so excited to be the first Certified Innergetics Coach in Australia, and second in the world (Jan Niemand in South Africa was first by a few days). It’s been a full on 18 months training, studying, peer and client coaching, but most importantly, living...