As soon as you blame someone else for your anger, hurt or unhappiness, you give your personal power and freedom away. Eleanor Roosevelt famously summed this up, saying, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Nelson Mandela, freed after... 00000 Everything has the potential to be fun, just use your imagination! Express your gratitude and appreciation – purr loudly and often. When you fall, pause and lick yourself, then continue. Know where your safe bolt hole is. Sleep when tired. Drink when thirsty.... 00000 Even if you’ve already mapped out 2019 (go you!) this can help fine-tune. I’m not talking about creating the best year of your whole life, rather the best year you can create right now. The future could be more wondrous than you can possibly imagine right... 00111 Right from birth, the process to disconnect from our gut wisdom starts. Part of our gut’s purpose is to let us know when we’re hungry, what would nourish and fuel us best at that point, and signal when we are no longer hungry. As soon as well-meaning adults... 00000 Is weight management an ongoing issue for you? There are many reasons why you might be carrying extra (or not enough) fat storage on your body, and I’ll cover those more on Mondays throughout November. For now, understand that self-talk is self-programming,... 10000 Is anxiety ruling your world? In our busy, busy lives our heads can quickly become filled with the white noise of our list of musts, shoulds, and shouldn’ts. No matter how much is ticked off your To Do list, there’s always more. There’s that underlying,...