Why One Brain Just Isn’t Enough To Be Successful

00000    “How many brains do you need to be successful?” is somewhat of a trick question. You could argue that one well nourished, trained and focussed brain is enough, or that you need many brains to create a supportive team around yourself. Actually, from the...

Boundary Setting

00000   Effective boundary setting first and foremost involves a degree of self-belief and self-confidence. You need to be very clear in your own mind exactly what you want to change, why, and the benefits to yourself and others.  Then it is easier to communicate your...

Safely Clear Head Trash

00000   You might be worried that ‘clearing head trash’ is painful and will make you relive past trauma and horrible experiences. Given that some practitioners use techniques and processes that dump people right back into the muck from the past, you have a valid...

Who’s Better At Networking: Introvert or Extrovert?

00000   Who do you think would be better at networking, an introvert or an extrovert? That was the discussion topic at a recent Women’s Network Australia event. The outcome surprised some. The term “introvert” is a classic example of a mistaken negative...

Peace of mind, clarity of thought.

00000   5:30 a.m. the alarm goes off this morning, though I’ve been awake for a while. Peter’s off to the shower in a rush for an early city meeting. My Head says, “Stay in bed, last night was a late one, you must be tired.” My Heart responds, “I want to see the...