Flip Your “To Do List” Into More Productive Fun

10000   “To Do” lists can feel like demons you wrestle with daily in a never-ending battle, but there is a quick mindset shift that will help you feel better about the daily To Dos, and therefore you’ll be more productive. Self-talk is...

Walking The Fence of Life: The Legacy of Mothers

00000   “I forgive you for not being the mother I wanted you to be,” are powerful healing words from Louise Hay. There are so many mother-in-law jokes and stories in our society there is an automatic negative association with the label. Yet every mother-in-law is, of...

Unhappy Mothers’ Day? This is for you.

00000   Do you find yourself feeling particularly down during the hype leading up to Mothers’ Day?  Is every image of angelic children smiling at their gorgeous model mum, as doting dad and grandparents look on a knife to your heart, a kick to your womb?  You aren’t...

The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time

00000   Another month slipped by, the To-Do List just as long, demands from work, family and friends stretching you – sound familiar?  Particularly as a business owner, the demands can seem endless, and there’s that pressing feeling you must always be on the go,...

Interview from The Art of Dating Smart Summit

00000   If you are looking for a relationship, in a relationship, thinking of moving on or never want a relationship ever again, there’s something in this interview for you. When Christine Campbell interviewed me for the global Art of Dating Smart Summit we...

Is Abuse Happening Under Your Nose?

00000   Is Abuse Happening Under Your Nose? (A Tale Of Two Giraffes.) I was in an abusive relationship and didn’t even realise. Now, I totally understand if you’re thinking, “How could you not know?!”  At some level I did know, however, I was in denial, and no matter...