
Time Travel For Profit And Pleasure Not Poverty And Pain
Use your mental Tardis to time travel for profit and pleasure instead of poverty and pain. Your mindset is your insurance for peace of mind.

Who Do You Trust Most, Psychologist or Paedophile?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me,” goes the children’s mantra, but it’s not necessarily true. If you don’t value the opinion of the labeller, and you’re secure in your own identity and self-worth, then yes, the labels won’t stick....

Boundary Setting
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Effective boundary setting first and foremost involves a degree of self-belief and self-confidence. You need to be very clear in your own mind exactly what you want to change, why, and the benefits to yourself and others. Then it is...

Let go and grow.
“Let go” is a very common learning my mindset coaching clients get during deep head trash clearing processes. Scratching through my resource folder on Tuesday I came across a roughly typed copy of this poem, apparently written by the famous poet, Anonymous (!). I’d dated it 17/1/12, but have no idea where I picked it up. I’ve been sharing this with each client since. Head nodding, tears, “Wow, that’s powerful.” have been some of the responses. What’s yours?

Who’s Better At Networking: Introvert or Extrovert?
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Who do you think would be better at networking, an introvert or an extrovert? That was the discussion topic at a recent Women’s Network Australia event. The outcome surprised some. The term "introvert" is a classic example of a...

Walking The Fence of Life: The Legacy of Mothers
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] “I forgive you for not being the mother I wanted you to be,” are powerful healing words from Louise Hay. There are so many mother-in-law jokes and stories in our society there is an automatic negative association with the label. Yet...

Unhappy Mothers’ Day? This is for you.
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Do you find yourself feeling particularly down during the hype leading up to Mothers’ Day? Is every image of angelic children smiling at their gorgeous model mum, as doting dad and grandparents look on a knife to your heart, a kick...

Interview from The Art of Dating Smart Summit
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] If you are looking for a relationship, in a relationship, thinking of moving on or never want a relationship ever again, there's something in this interview for you. When Christine Campbell interviewed me for the global Art of Dating...

Is Abuse Happening Under Your Nose?
[supsystic-social-sharing id='1'] Is Abuse Happening Under Your Nose? (A Tale Of Two Giraffes.) I was in an abusive relationship and didn’t even realise. Now, I totally understand if you’re thinking, “How could you not know?!” At some level I did know,...

Ho’oponopono Healing Prayer of Forgiveness.
I love Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian prayer for healing and self-forgiveness. Say it slowly, feeling the intent behind the words. It may feel right to repeat the first 2 lines, together or separately. Once you feel the shift, no matter how small, continue with lines 3 & 4.